MAA Announces 2024 Meritorious Service Award Recipients

MAA Announces 2024 Meritorious Service Award Recipients

The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) is excited to announce this year’s Meritorious Service Award winners: Julie Barnes, Roger Waggoner, Mark Sand, James Smith, and David Housman.

Meritorious Service Awards 

Meritorious Services certificates are presented based on the Association’s Sections’ recommendation for service at the national level, or for service to a Section of the Association. The first Meritorious Service awards were made in 1984. Each year, honorees from several Sections are recognized.

Julie Barnes

The Southeastern Section and the MAA have benefited in unmeasurable ways from the active, creative, tireless work of Julie Barnes. Her leadership encompasses 10 years on the Project NExT leadership team, leading Section NExT, organizing myriad sessions, escape rooms, and other social events both for her section and nationally, committee participation galore, and far more. Her section members are grateful for all her service and cannot imagine a more deserving person for this recognition. 

“I’m extremely honored to have been chosen for this award by friends and colleagues from my section. I send my heartfelt thanks to them.”

Roger Waggoner

The Louisiana-Mississippi Section honors Dr. Roger Waggoner for the Certificate of Meritorious Service in gratitude for his contributions to the MAA at both the national and the local levels. He has consistently engaged with the section across four decades and has served the section in various capacities including as governor, section, and program chair, through shepherding the section bylaws through a revision, and by nominating colleagues for the section’s Distinguished Teaching Award. Roger’s contributions to the MAA at the national level are also noteworthy, comprising activities from co-chairing the Committee on SIGMAAs to writing problems for and judging various competitions. Roger is truly deserving of the MAA’s Meritorious Service Award!

“My work with the MAA has been the source of much satisfaction and fun. In the process, I have made some life-long friends.”

Mark Sand

Mark has long been an avid supporter of the MAA and the NESeSD Section. He has served nationally on the Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) and as a Section Governor. With rare exception he attends the annual conference, giving a presentation of an interesting mathematical gem each year. For the MAA’s Centennial celebration, Mark was instrumental in researching the section’s history and updating the previous history document. In addition to this monumental effort, Mark has served as Section Chair, planning and hosting the annual conference. Furthermore, Mark is a stalwart for the section, exemplifying professionalism and service to the mathematical community.

“I feel very honored to be nominated by my section of the MAA for this award and I appreciate the years I have spent working with these people to promote the MAA.”

James T. Smith

James T. Smith has served his section since 1972. He was vice chair/chair/program chair from 1991-93 and he was section governor from 1996-99. To this day he regularly makes valuable contributions at the twice-annual board meetings of the Golden Section. He is a powerful and effective champion of gender equality. He has broad contributions to the mathematical fields of geometry, logic, programming and history. He won the Lester R. Ford Award for mathematical exposition. He has collaborated on extensive histories of Alfred Tarski and Mario Pieri. This service to the profession is appreciated at all levels of the MAA.

“My students from around the world have inspired me to keep going, even long after retirement,” said James T. Smith. “I hope my career may inspire others to do so—Long Live Mathematics!”

David Housman

David Housman has been recognized with the Certificate of Meritorious Service by the Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) for his significant contributions and unwavering commitment to the section and the broader mathematical community.

Housman has made remarkable contributions to the MAA, particularly within the Indiana Section. Over the course of 46 Indiana Section meetings, Housman has delivered engaging talks while also fostering connections between students and the wider mathematical community. His dedication extends beyond regional boundaries, as he has served in a variety of officer roles and contributed to national committees, including the Committee on Faculty and Departments, as chair of the Committee on Sessions of Contributed Papers, and on the Committee on the Merten Hasse Prize.

Moreover, Housman’s active involvement in special interest groups, including RUME, Mathematical and Computational Biology, and Environmental Mathematics, highlights his versatility and commitment to advancing diverse areas of mathematics.

“Thank you for this honor. May the MAA continue to provide encouragement for ever more people to engage in mathematics,” said David Housman, expressing his appreciation for the recognition.

The Indiana Section commends Housman for his outstanding dedication and service.

More information on the award and how to submit a nomination. 

About MAA The Mathematical Association of America is the world’s largest community of mathematicians, students, and enthusiasts. We accelerate our understanding of our world through mathematics because mathematics drives society and shapes our lives. Learn more at